Ministerial advice for new marine reserves
WildCoast led the drafting of the marine reserve chapters for the Ministerial advice for SEMP (public submission analyses, technical reviews e.g. scientific reviews, workshops with experts, and advice drafting) and contributed to other chapters (including drafting the Executive Summary, tables, maps and figures). The Executive Summary and the full advice document (search for "Southeast Marine Protection") are available
Prototype KEA App
As part of the Enabling Integrated Marine Management project, the Department of Conservation's use case, managed by WildCoast, aimed at figuring out how a datamesh could help improve the sharing of data and methodology to compute KEAs (not the bird! but Key Ecological Area, an important process to feed in planning processes for regional councils and central government). The use case turned into creating an App created by Oceanum that applies the spatial analyses to datasets linked directly form their source servers in various data portals! The prototype KEA App removes the requirements to download any data. This report summarises the development. DOC is now working on further developing the tool.
Contribution to developing a New Zealand marine datamesh
A collaboration between several central government departments aimed at investigating the use of a datamesh to improve access to marine data. A datamesh links spatial data diretly from source servers and links them all in one place, where they can be searched, clipped and downloaded all at once. WildCoast was leading one of the use cases to demonstrate how a datamesh could be beneficial for marine management. Oceanum created the datamesh and the use case helped reframing what and how it could be improved and identified issues and next steps for its development. The final report is available at this link.
Prototype KEA App
As part of the Enabling Integrated Marine Management project, the Department of Conservation's use case, managed by WildCoast, aimed at figuring out how a datamesh could help improve the sharing of data and methodology to compute KEAs (not the bird! but Key Ecological Area, an important process to feed in planning processes for regional councils and central government). The use case turned into creating an App created by Oceanum that applies the spatial analyses to datasets linked directly form their source servers in various data portals! The prototype KEA App removes the requirements to download any data. This report summarises the development. DOC is now working on further developing the tool.
Marine Spatial Planning webGIS
Falkland Islands. Created with only Open Access software (QGIS, LizMap) to allow stakeholders and managers easy access to all the information relevant to MSP.
Check it out!
Spatio-temporal modeling of at-sea seabird and pinniped tracking and sighting data
In collaboration with BirdLife International. Analyses, modeling and mapping completed in R and QGIS. Published in Marine Policy; check out the workshop report that was used to develop the methodology. Also check the webGIS created to host the output maps for an easy access for stakeholders and managers.
Spatial scenarios of coastal development along the Great Barrier Reef
The eight scenarios were published on the e-atlas for ease of viewing and access by managers and stakeholders. Completed with ArcGIs and IDRISI. Check them out! and the paper that summarises how they were built here.They were created from a 1999 and the most up-to-date land use maps and scenario narrratives to 2035 translated into spatial rules. They were used by managers to understand how certain decisions can have unforeseen impacts locally but also in areas far away via socio-economic consequences and how they drive land use changes. In turn, the spatial scenarios were used for modeling marine uses and pollution to inform Great Barrier Reef managers on what kind of impacts various land management decisions would have on the Great Barrier Reef values.
Spatial Bayesian Network to model cumulative impacts of coastal development
The Bayesian Networks were produced using expert elicitation along with all data available and used to model multiple stressors from coastal development on key species of the Great Barrier Reef (e.g. seagrass). These Bayesian networks were spatially applied in a GIS using maps of all stressors with a spatial application for a certain area (e.g. 1 square km for the seagrass). Results were provided to managers at Great barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Queensland Government to inform coastal development decisions.
Satellite tracking of pinnipeds
Fieldwork and analyses of satellite tracking sea lions. Data were interpreted and presented to provide managers with best and accessible information to improve management of the species and its habitats (in a thesis; but also published in Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Proposal for a network of new Marine Management Areas and Marine Reserves
As part of a contract from the Falkland Islands Government, a proposal was drafted for public consultation around a series of Marine Management Area (MPAs but also MSP specific type area such as Port Areas). Check out the draft consultation document prepared.
Newspaper articles - pieces written
Public communication is often a crucial component of conservation projects. Pieces in local newspapers can be a good way to reach a wide audience in local communities. A few examples here:
2015 Shipping traffic in the Falklands
2015 Marine spatial planning in the Falklands