• Augé AA (2023). Land and marine areas used by female New Zealand sea lions in the Catlins in winter 2022. Report prepared for the Department of Conservation. FULL TEXT.


  • Frans VF, Augé AA (Under review). Local ecological knowledge in species distribution modelling improves predictions for management. People and Nature.
  • Gabara R, Schischka A, PAdro E, Augé A, Hughes R, Sellers J, Jennings R, Cooper B (2022). Enabling Integrated Marine Management - Part 1: Technical Proof-Of-Concept. DOWNLOAD HERE.
  • Frans VF, Augé AA, Fyfe J, Zhang Y, McNally N, Edelhoff H, Balkenhol N, Engler JO (2022). Integrated SDM database: Enhancing the relevance and utility of species distribution models in conservation management. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. FULL TEXT.


  • Marengo I, Augé AA, Campioni L, Blake D, Cherrett S, Richardson AJ, Weber SB (2020). Island-based Information Management System-GIS Data Centre as a key tool for spatial planning in the South Atlantic UK Overseas Territories. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management 20:46-60. FULL TEXT


  • Augé AA, Otley H, Rendell N, Frans VF (2019). Spatial distribution of cetacean strandings in the Falkland Islands to define monitoring opportunities. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 19:1-7. FULL TEXT


  • Augé AA, Dias MP, Lascelles B, Baylis AMM, Black A, Dee Boersma P, Catry P, Crofts S, Galimberti F, Granadeiro JP, Hedd A, Ludynia K, Masello JF, Montevecchi W, Phillips RA, Pütz K, Quillfeldt P, Rebstock G, Sanvito S, Staniland IJ, Stanworth A, Thompson D, Tierney M, Trathan PN, Croxall JP (2018). Framework for mapping key areas for marine megafauna to inform Marine Spatial Planning: Falkland Islands as a case study. Marine Policy 92:61-72. FULL TEXT
  • Frans VF, Augé AA, Edelhoff H, Erasmi S, Balkenhol N, Engler J (2018). Quantifying apart what belongs together: a multi-state species distribution modeling framework for species using distinct habitats. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9:98-108. FULL TEXT


  • Augé A (2017). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Island: Assessing Fisheries Closure Areas As conservation areas The AFCAS report (proposed MPA/marine reserves for stakeholder consultation). South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
  • Blake D, Augé AA, Sherren K (2017). Participatory mapping to elicit cultural coastal values for marine spatial planning in a remote archipelago. Ocean and Coastal Management 148: 195-203. REQUEST FULL-TEXT HERE
  • Augé AA (2017). Anthropogenic debris in the diet of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) in a remote and low populated South Atlantic island. Polar Biology 40: 799-805. FULL TEXT
  • Falkland Islands Key Megafauna areas webGIS (2017) ACCESS webGIS


  • Augé AA (2016). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Island: ‘Framing’ workshop report. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
  • Frans VF, Augé AA (2016). Use of local ecological knowledge to investigate endangered baleen whale recovery in the Falkland Islands. Biological Conservation 202: 127-137. FULL TEXT 
  • MacMillan H, Moore AB, Augé AA, Chilvers BL (2016). GIS-based multi-criteria analysis to identify suitable coastal breeding habitats for recolonising species: case study of New Zealand sea lions.Ocean and Coastal Management 130: 162-171. REQUEST FULL TEXT HERE
  • Augé AA. Framework for developing marine spatial planning in small islands: the Falkland Islands example. UK Overseas Territories and Marine & Coastal Conference 2016. London, UK.
  • Augé AA (2016). Data, database and webGIS for MSP: the Falklands example. Invited presentation at Workshop: Towards an evidence-based MPA at Ascension Island, 2016, Foreign Commonwealth Office, London, UK. LINK
  • Augé AA (2016). Initiating marine spatial planning in the Falkland Islands, 2016, Invited presentation at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, UK. SLIDES
  • Falkland Islands Marine Spatial Planning webGIS (2016) ACCESS WebGIS


  • Álvarez-Romero JG, Adams V, Pressey RL, Douglas M, Dale A, Augé AA, Ball D, Childs J, Digby M, Dobbs R, Gobius N, Hinchley D, Lancaster I, Maughan M, Perdrisat I (2015). Integrated cross-realm planning: an operational framework for decision-makers. Biological Conservation. 191: 799-808. REQUEST FULL TEXT HERE
  • Augé AA (2015). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Island: ’Developing the tools’ workshop report. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
  • Augé AA, Lascelles B, and Dias M (2015). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Islands. ‘Methodology for identification of important areas for marine megafauna’ workshop report. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
  • Augé AA, Taylor M, Blockley D, Tierney M, Brickle P (Eds) (2015). Proceedings of the Falkland Islands Science Symposium 2015. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
  • Devlin M, Fabricius K, Negri A, Brodie J, Waterhouse J, Uthicke S, Collier C, Pressey B, Augé AA, Reid B, Woodberry O, Zhao J-X, Clarke T, Pandolfi J, Bennett J (2015) Water Quality - Synthesis of NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub Water Quality Research Outputs 2011-2014. Report to the National Environmental Research Program. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns, Australia. LINK
  • Augé AA (2015). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Islands: ‘Setting the scene’ workshop report. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
  • Marengo I and Augé AA (2015). Marine spatial planning and GIS for marine biosecurity risk mapping. Workshop on biosecurity in the UKOTs of the South Atlantic (2015). Ascension Island. SLIDES

Before 2015

  • Augé AA, Chilvers BL, Moore AB, Davis LS (2014). Importance of studying foraging site fidelity for spatial conservation measures in a mobile predator. Animal Conservation 17: 61–71. FULL TEXT
  • Dale A, Pressey RL, Adams V, Álvarez-Romero JG, Digby M, Dobbs R, Douglas M, Augé AA, Maughan M, Childs J, Hinchley D, Landcaster I, Perdrisat I, Gobius N (2014). Catchment management governance in northern Australia: A preliminary evaluation. Journal of Environment and Social Policy 16: Article 2. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA, Woodberry O, Reid B, Pressey RL, Brodie JE, Dale A, Yorkston H, Nicholson AE. (2014). Understanding cumulative impacts of coastal development on seagrass using land-use change scenarios and Bayesian networks. Annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation 2014, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. LINK
  • Augé AA, Maughan M, Pressey RL, Brodie J, Dale A and Yorkston H (2013). Spatially explicit scenarios for conservation planning in the Great Barrier Reef coastal zone, Australia.  In R. Devillers, C. Lee, R. Canessa, and A. Sherin (ed.), "Monitoring and Adapting to Change on the Coast: A selection of papers from Coast GIS 2013", University of Victoria, Canada, pp 179-182. FULL TEXT
  • Leung EL, Augé AA, Chilvers BL, Moore AB, Robertson BC (2013) Foraging behaviour of juvenile female New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) in contrasting environments. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62728. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA (2013) Datasets for spatial scenarios of coastal development in the Great Barrier Reef coastal zone (2013) ACCESS DATASETS
  • Augé AA (2013) Conservation goals and objectives for the Great Barrier Reef coastal zone: Technical report from a workshop to identify goals, define assets and formulate methods to articulate quantitative objectives. Report to the National Environmental Research Program. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns, Australia.
  • Augé AA, Woodberry O, Reid B, Pressey RL, Brodie JE, Dale A, Yorkston H, Nicholson AE (2013) Cumulative impacts of coastal development on seagrass using land-use scenarios and Bayesian networks. Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation annual meeting, Costa Rica.
  •  Augé AA, Maughan M, Pressey RL, Brodie J, Dale A and Yorkston H (2013) Coastal development in the Great Barrier Reef coastal zone: Using scenarios for conservation planning. NERP TE Hub Conference 2013, Cairns, Australia. LINK
  • Augé AA (2012) Report on the land use change and scenarios technical working group. NERP Project 9.4 Conservation planning for a changing coastal zone. Townsville. LINK
  • Augé AA, Moore AB, Chilvers BL (2012) Predicting interactions between recolonising marine mammals and fisheries: defining precautionary management. Fisheries Management and Ecology 19: 426-433. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA, Lalas C, Davis LS, Chilvers BL (2012) Autumn diet of recolonising female New Zealand sea lions based at Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 46: 97-110. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA, Chilvers BL, Mathieu R, Moore AB (2012) On-land habitat preferences of female New Zealand sea lions at Sandy Bay, Auckland Islands. Marine Mammal Science 28: 620-637. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA (2012) Report of the scoping workshop for the NERP project 9.4 Conservation planning for a changing coastal zone. GBRMPA, Townsville. LINK
  • Augé AA, Chilvers BL, Moore AB, Davis LS (2011) Foraging behaviour indicates marginal marine habitat for New Zealand sea lions: remnant versus recolonising populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 432: 247-256. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA, Chilvers BL, Davis LS, Moore AB (2011) In the shallow end: diving behaviour of recolonising female New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) around the Otago Peninsula. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 1195-1205. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA (2011).  PhD thesis 'Foraging ecology of recolonising female New Zealand sea lions around the Otago Peninsula'. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA, Chilvers BL (2010) Behavioural responses and attraction of New Zealand sea lions to on-land female decoys. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 37: 107-119. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA, Chilvers BL, Moore AB, Mathieu R, Robertson BC (2009) Aggregation and dispersion of female New Zealand sea lions at the Sandy Bay breeding colony, Auckland Islands: How unusual is their spatial behaviour? Behaviour 146: 1287-1311. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA, Chilvers BL, Mathieu R, Moore AB (2007). New Zealand sea lion terrestrial ecology: spatio-temporal analysis using GIS. In CD Woodroffe, E Bruce; M Puotinen; RA Furness (ed.), "GIS for the Coastal Zone: A selection of papers from Coast GIS 2006", University of Wollongong, Australia, pp. 381-396. FULL TEXT
  • Augé AA (2007). MSc thesis 'Terrestrial spatial ecology of female New Zealand sea lions: Study at Sandy Bay, Auckland Islands, and implications for the management of the recolonisation'. FULL TEXT